
05 hyundai f4a42 transmission problems
05 hyundai f4a42 transmission problems

The dealer still couldn't find the problem! then one day I placed the vehicle into reverse and it jerked back hard!! my head was close to hitting the steering wheel. It was moody and intermittent, not constant and dangerous. The problem seemed to 'disappear' for about 4 mths and it started again! transmission would jerk, skip and miss no matter what speed I was going, but then disappear. I tolerated the nuisance for about a yr until one day I was driving and the transmission 'got stuck'! I had to drive home in first gear for 15 miles! the dealer couldn't re-enact it, but definitely charged me $1800 to flush the transmission, amongst various other 'part replacements'. The dealer couldn't find the problem three separate times. My first encounter started around 37,000 miles,the vehicle began to slip/hesitate while driving on the road. I have a 2003 Hyundai sante fe and I have had continual transmission problems since I bought it in 2004. I have read other owners have had the same problem and Hyundai will not acknowledge that there is a problem. I received a questionnaire from Hyundai about my Santa Fe and again mentioned the transmission problem. The last time I was there the technician said they contacted Hyundai and was told that is normal. " every time I go to the dealership for an oil change or any other work, I mention the transmission problem.

05 hyundai f4a42 transmission problems

When the transmission hesitates the tachometer will go between 30 rpm, and then lurch violently as it becomes "unstuck. I have had it to the dealer twice (once I left it over night so they would have it when it was cold) and of course it didn't do it for them.

05 hyundai f4a42 transmission problems 05 hyundai f4a42 transmission problems

It will also hesitate as it goes from one gear to the next. It happens a lot when the Santa Fe is cold, but it has happened at other times also. Sometimes when it shifts from 1st to 2nd it feels like another vehicle has rear-ended me.

05 hyundai f4a42 transmission problems